+. The 5800SXT has brought them into the modern era, customizable, efficient, multitasking machines that meet today's demands. Each valve in this series is capable of upflow or downflow softening, or filtering-just a change of the piston, injector and plug, then a tweak in the programming. Buttons and Symbols NOTE: Not all buttons appear on all screens. The Fleck 5812 SXT has a unique feature of an internal capacitor that will keep your time set for up to 48 hours in the event of a power outage. Fleck 5800/10/12 Cover Bezel Only, Black. The Fleck (Pentair) 5800 series Valve body and controllers Home Resources Fleck 5800 Series Request Information 952-925-1444 Fleck 5800 Series Valves for Residential and Commercial Water Softening The Fleck 5800 series Valve comes in three different sizes, " 5800, 1" 5810, and 1 " 5812. Title: Fleck 5800 XTR2 Spec sheet - Pure Aqua, Inc. The Fleck 5800XTR2 Soft Water Advantage A resin-based exchange system that uses sodium is still the most effective way to remove hardness (calcium & magnesium) from your water supply. Pentair Fleck brings you the Fleck XTR2 Controllerthe first touchscreen control valve to hit the industry. 3,400 sq ft house, 3.5 baths, 5 people and 1" PEX incoming supply line. 3 Stage Water softener with Fleck 5812 XTR2 Control Valve. Besides, it's possible to examine each page of the guide singly by using the scroll bar. View in Catalog. From the XTR2 Control Home screen, press the Settings . FL5800/16M-XTR2-.0,580008-001,PENTAIR WATER FILTRATION- VALVE DIV.,,5800 Meter Touch Screen Valve,Nelsen Corporation. Transcription . Fleck 5800 XTR2 Control Valve Manual (Click Here) Warranty Information (Click Here) BENEFITS & FUTURES Fiber-reinforced polymer valve body for superior strength and durability, non-corrosive, and UV-resistant Continuous service flow rate of 21 GPM with a backwash rate of 17 GPM I have recently purchased a 5800XTR2. Fiber-reinforced polymer valve body for superior strength and durability, non-corrosive, and UV-resistant. Carbon media reduces chlorine taste and odor for great tasting water throughout your whole home. PENTAIRFleck 5800. . The control setup of capacity, regeneration time, and days override is quick and easy. First off, I bought a Fleck 5800 sxt water softener 64,000 capacity with a carbon upflow filter. 5. Intended use The device is intended to be used for domestic applications only and it is purpose-built for water treatment. Clean flow control. Spirax Sarco LC2500 Installation And Maintenance Instructions Manual Installation and maintenance instructions manual (12 pages) Norac uc4+ Installation Manual Installation manual (25 pages) Revision Date Author Description A 18.04.2017 BRY First edition Continuous service flow rate of 21 GPM with a backwash of 17 GPM. For custom packages, contact us by phone for form submission on this site. David Bannerman Well-Known Member Messages 4,315 Reaction score 605 Points 113 Includes tank, control head, resin, and brine tank. Water softener with Fleck 5800 XTR2 Control Valve is Complete whole house softener. Refer to the valve spec sheet for cutting height of the distributor tube. System uses a flow meter to measure the water used and regenerating as needed, saving salt and reduce waste. $ 1,661.25 - $ 3,411.25. $ 1,861.25 - $ 3,611.25. Fleck 5800 Valve Controller Options XTRI XTR2 SXT Premium touch screen LCD display with the ability to connect to Pentair Home and Pentair Pro apps via WiFi to monitor system performance and receive alerts. The control uses a transformer to supply 12 VDC. 5800. IOT for XTRi Fleck 5800,5810,5812 PN 62125 $250.00 Add To Cart Kit Distributor 32mm to 1.05 inch O.D. Water Softeners. Feel free to use 3 available choices; typing, drawing, or uploading one. Ingrid Fleck und Michael Fleck has 2 employees at this location and generates $288,344 in sales (USD). Developed on the same platform as the 5800, the 5810 (1" valve body) valve offers flexibility with a familiar appearance, while reducing carrying costs and product knowledge. FLECK : 5800 XTR2 Service Manual: 4. Plugged injector system. Foreign material in brine valve. 43350 REV E AU16. Plugged drain line flow control. download Report . Fleck 5800 21 GPM 17 GPM 1 . The 5800 Series of Pentair Fleckvalves provide a common solution for a wide variety of filtration and softening applications. 7. With its detailed screen descriptions, The 5800 valve (3/4), 5810 valve (1) and 5812 valve (1-1/4) offer high flow solutions for both residential and commercial applications. Note: Only use silicone lubricant. Backwash capability accommodates softener tanks up to 16 and filter up to 16 in diameter. Pentair FLECK 5800 XTR2 Controller: Frequently-viewed manuals. Available Sizes. My water hardness was 20 GPG using the Hach testing kit. They can also remove moderate amounts of ferrous iron and colloidal manganese. 2 FLECK 5800 XTR2 Service Manual 4. 3 Stage Water softener with Fleck 5812 XTR2 Control Valve. 3 Stage Water softener with Fleck 5800 XTR2 Control Valve. Note: Only use silicone lubricant. At the same time, they come from a company known for decades of expertise in the water industry, millions of units in service, and a tradition of rock-solid reliability. I have a family of 4 and live in a 3,400 sq. Refer to the valve spec sheet for cutting height of the distributor tube. Through the years I have seen many . Enjoy all the benefits of soft, chlorine free tap water in your home with the WPS Water Softener with Fleck 5812 XTR2 valve. The XTR2 controller also allows you to place it on vacation mode to limit regeneration power while not in use. Fleck XTR2 Touch Screen Controller Benefits: Time of day super capacitor backup for power loss Large color LCD touch screen display Programmable relay output Remote lockout and regen input Easy electronic programming Error alarm Assistance screen with dealer contact information Programmable assistance interval with alarm for service . The 5800 Series provides: MAX FLOW RATES (GPM) FEATURES End Cap/Plug Pentair FLECK 5800 SXT Service manual (26 pages) FEATURES & BENEFITS. PENTAIRFleck 5800. . Fleck 5800 21 GPM 17 GPM 1 . 5800 represents a great step forward in the fleck product range: the valve platform is made of one hydraulic valve and different controllers, allowing various options, eliminating the need to stock a variety of control valves for filter or softener applications. Residential Softening & Filtration Valves Fleck 5800 Valve Share Ideal for smaller applications, the 5800 valve provides a 21 GPM service flow rate and 17 GPM backwash flow rate. Features & Benefits Large backlit LCD display with 3 push buttons Easy and user-friendly programming Advanced programming with 6 adjustable cycle times Broader range of applications covered Service flow rate up to 4.5m3 Ideal for residential applications Valve body in Glass PPO (Polyphenylene oxide) Increased robustness and product life Resources 2. NOTE: See the Fleck 5800 or 5810/5812 XTR2 Service Manuals for complete XTR2 programming information. Fleck 5810. Shopping Cart. Regeneration Cycle Wheel Non-linear programming no longer requires cycling through every parameter when programming/servicing. Fleck 2310 Brine Tank Float Valve Assembly 60014 3/8" $79.00 Fleck 5600 water softener is one of the most popular Fleck units. 8" x 44" for 0.75 cubic foot; 9" x 48" for 1.0 . The system comes complete with a fiberglass tank, control valve, brine tank, and resin in one complete package. Add the date to the sample with the Date function. in . A LCD backlit display helps programming in low light conditions. As time progresses the water softener industry is always trying to make a better water softener and invent ways to better transform water full of constituents to clean healthy water that is tasty and not full of contaminants that make water unpalatable and not suitable for drinking. When installation is complete, the Pentair Field Programmer shortcut will appear on your desktop and in your Start menu. http://pentairaqua.com/pro/en-US/product/water-conditioning-and-filtration-control-valves/fleck/fleck-5800-xtr2/ Pentair's Fleck 5800-SXT Series GreenSand Iron, Manganese & H2S, Whole House Filter System - Choose your size. LET WATER SOFTENING WORK FOR YOU HOW IT WORKS 1. -XTR2/XTRi1 - 9,999,999 0 - 378,541 . Welcome back! Manufacturer: Pentair Manufacturing Italy Srl Via Masaccio, 13 56010 Lugnano di Vicopisano (PI) - Italy Product: Fleck 5800 - SXT 1.4. INSTALLATION Water Pressure A minimum of 20 psi (1.4 bar) of water pressure is required for This combination spells success for residential water conditioning dealers. Pentair Fleck brings you the Fleck 5800 XTR2 Controller - the first touchscreen control valve to hit the water industry. The Pentair Fleck 5800 Series Valves set a brand new standard for adaptability and innovative features. 5800 XTR2 Service Manual . Pentair FLECK 5800 ; Pentair FLECK 2900S ; Pentair FLECK 5812 XTR2 Control Unit: Frequently-viewed manuals. THE NEXT LEVEL Pentair Fleck brings you the Fleck XTR2 controller - the first touchscreen control valve to hit the industry. Fleck 5810 XTR2 Valve Control valve fiber-reinforced polymer valve body for superior strength and durability, non-corrosive, and UV-resistant. It is awesome and I see that there is a USB port to allow programming via a laptop. Quick View. Lubricate the distributor O-ring seal and tank O-ring seal. The Pentair Fleck 5800 Series Valves set a brand new standard for adaptability and innovative features. This includes the 5800, 5810, and 5812, and supports LXT, SXT, and XTR2 controllers. . -XTR2/XTRi1 - 9,999,999 0 - 378,541 . The new 5810 valve uses the same electronic as the 5800. Our most popular head offers digital controls with an informative color display and easy setup. Select the Sign button and make an e-signature. . Connecting to the XTR2 Control 1. 2 FLECK 5800 XTR2 Service Manual INSTALLATION Water Pressure A minimum of 20 psi (1.4 bar) of water pressure is required for the regeneration valve to operate effectively. Featuring softwater refil for a cleaner brine tank. Check each field has been filled in correctly. -XTR2/XTRi1 - 9,999,999 0 - 378,541 . For Valves: 5800 5810 5812 Features and Benefits Be sure the details you fill in Fleck 5800 Xtr2 is up-to-date and correct. Features and Benefits: Author: Pure Aqua, Inc. Subject: Fleck 5800 XTR2 Spec sheet XTR2/XTRI: 0 - 240 min/cycle METER INFORMATION Meter Accuracy 3/4" Paddle/Turbine: 0.25 - 15 GPM 5% (0.06 - 3 m 3/h) Meter Capacity Range LXT: Volume Calculated SXT: 1 - 999,900 gal Place the main control valve on tank. This is a perfect option for homes with water that has medium to high hardness levels. Quick View. Some causes would cause air in the water. PENTAIRFleck 5800.pdf; 2; . ft. house. Third party registered and unregistered trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners. If anybody has it I would really appreciate a copy. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Pentair FLECK 5800 SXT Control Unit, Water Dispenser, Water Filtration Systems. Benefits: Fiber-reinforced polymer valve body for superior strength and durability, non-corrosive, and UV-resistant Continuous service flow rate of 43 GPM with a backwash of 33 GPM Backwash capability accommodates softener tanks up to 24" and filters up to 24" in diameter Find a Dealer Premium touch screen LCD display with two programmable relay outputs for both normally opened and normally closed contacts. Custom products are available 2 FLECK 5800 SXT Upflow/Downflow. Developed on the same platform as the 5800, the 5810 and 5812 valves offer flexibility with a familiar appearance, while reducing carrying costs. Leave at least 6" (15 cm) between the DLFC and solder joints when soldering pipes that are connected on the DLFC. Some could be clogs. . Lower your mouth to a little above the brine level to minimize how much suck you need. The high-end technology uses less salt . This way you'll save time on finding the necessary info. Unconditioned water passes through a bed of resin beads. $ 1,861.25 - $ 3,611.25. Water Softeners. At the same time, they come from a company known for decades of expertise in the . Contact Us Track Your Order Register Catalog. Features Time of day super capacitor backup for power loss Fully adjustable 3- or 5-cycle control for . Lubricate the distributor O-ring seal and tank O-ring seal. FLECK 5800 CONTROL VALVE PENTAIR.COM Coat St CMK FEATURES BENEFITS FLECK . Fleck 5810, 7000 and 9100 - 61419 $5.95 Add To Cart Meter Assembly 61919 for Fleck 5810, 5812 $120.00 Add To Cart Meter Cable Electronic Length 18 inches PN 19121-01 $39.95 Add To Cart Motor Assembly FLECK 5800 SERIES; PN 61835 $89.00 Add To Cart Company Description: Ingrid Fleck und Michael Fleck is located in Saarbrcken, Saarland, Germany and is part of the Florists Industry. Failure to do this could cause interior damage to the DLFC. Robert B. Hill Co sells complete water softener systems with Fleck 5800 SXT control valves. The SXT or touchscreen XTR controllers can be interchanged without any special tool thanks to the . 2 FLECK 5800/5810/5812 XTRi Service Manual 6. Is it worth hassling with a local dealer or should I just get a 7000? 5. APG RST-5003 . Thanks and God Bless you all and keep safe ! Replacement motor assembly Part #61835 Fits Fleck 5800, 5810, and 5812 control heads Replacement motor for the Fleck 5800 series. With its detailed screen descriptions, color LCD display, and familiar icons, the XTR2 controller brings ease of programming and a user-friendly experience to the table. Premium touch screen LCD display with two programmable relay outputs for both normally opened and normally closed contacts Programming stored in memory and will not be lost due to power outages With its detailed screen descriptions, color LCD display, and familiar icons, the XTR2 controller brings ease of programming and a user-friendly experience to the table. Fleck has always made reliable workhorse water softeners, and filters, and while these tried and true machines are still in service today . waterpurification.pentair.com. 5800 features an improved flow, easy servicing (one-piece seal and spacer cartridge 5800 XTR2 Service - Pentair Residential Filtration. . Soldering of joints near the drain port must be done prior to connecting the Drain Line Flow Control fitting (DLFC). The Fleck 5800-SXT Soft Water Advantage A resin-based exchange system that uses sodium is still the most effective way to remove hardness (calcium & magnesium) from your water supply. Clean injector and screen. Place the main control valve on tank. 6. The Fleck 5800-SXT represents a great step forward in the world of self-cleaning filters. It also has a non volatile memory standard that will never allow your system settings to ever be lost. Quick view. Both the tanks are sized 12" x 52". Where I could find the 5800XTR2 valve pricing info online, it was only about $50 - $80 more than a 7000 valve. 5800 with XTR2 Touch Screen. Fleck 5800 21 GPM 17 GPM 1 . Fleck 5800 Review. Our user-friendly touch screen controller provides intuitive navigation and ease of programming. waterpurification.pentair.com FLECK 5800 SXT DOWNFLOW/UPFLOW SERVICE MANUAL. A variety of connection options are available, ranging in size from " to 1", covering most residential homes. 5800 XTR2 Service - Pentair Residential Filtration . Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair plc or its affiliates. Item #: FL5800/16M-XTR2-.. The 5800 SXT control valve is Flecks most modern yet simple to service, as the valve has very few moving parts as well as using snap together plates and a single programming board. You can custom set cycle settings for the most efficient salt settings saving you time and money. Excessive water in brine tank. Add to Cart. Features of the XTR2 Touchscreen Control service.Full-featured easy to use graphical touchscreen interface for programming, servicing, and diagnostics. I have looked everywhere and can't find the app. JOB SPECIFICATION SHEET Job Number: _____ Model Number: _____ . It appears that Pentair limits the Fleck 5800XTR2 to brick and mortar dealers. Electrical Facilities An uninterrupted alternating current (120 VAC) supply is required. It's designed with a capacity of 48,000 grains and can treat flow rates with up to 12 GPM. Database contains 5 Pentair FLECK 5800 SXT Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Installer manual, Service manual, Operation & user's manual . The capacity is also suitable for homes with 3-6 people. FP-61835 Quick view. View online or download 4 Manuals for Pentair FLECK 5812 XTR2. (Sales figure is estimated). Fleck 5800 SXT touch pad control valve; 9 X 48 Structural Stainless Steel tank; This unit can be installed indoors or outdoors; Brine tank size 15X15X32 or skinny 11X11X32; Flow rate of the system is 18 gallons per minute while filtering; Designed for up to 6 people in the home. ; x 52 & quot ; x 52 & quot ; job Number: _____ whole.. 2 Fleck 5800 SXT control Unit, water Filtration Systems filters, and filters, and resin in one package... 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