Farmers will be protesting on the Malieveld in The Hague and at four locations around Zwolle, Assen, Arnhem and Den Bosch. One in three Dutch livestock farmers could lose their business. Dutch farmers furious as gov't plans to forcibly close farms, ranches to reduce nitrogen emissions Sunday, October 9th Home National Security Archives Politics Lifestyle & Health The OpsLens Team OpsLens TV Breaking News Zelenskiy Boasts Of Blowing Up Russian Bridge To Crimea - 'This Is Just The Beginning' Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Suddenly thousands of construction projects came to . After politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution, the angry Dutch farmers have issued an ultimatum threatening to block the country's airports, ports and distribution centers. Breitbart report: Farmers Defence Force leader Mark Van den Oever announced this week that Dutch farmers will once again take to the streets after the government expressed its intentions to adopt the plan presented by former deputy prime minister Johan Remkes to meet the nitrogen standards demanded by the European Union. Reductions in emissions of nitrogen oxides from farm animal manure and from the use of ammonia in fertilizer, are necessary the government says. Focusing on nitrogen pollution, we applied the approach to a sample of 341 intensive Dutch dairy farms for the years 2006-2017. On 17 December 2020, the Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Carola Schouten, obtained sufficient support in the Dutch Parliament for a new law to limit nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands; the law sets limits for nitrogen levels in Natura-2000 areas. Associated Press Television News. The caretaker Cabinet has far-reaching plans on the table to reduce nitrogen emissions in agriculture. A significant part of the fund was allocated to agriculture to buy-out swine, poultry and cattle farmers that operate close to nitrogen-sensitive nature areas, bringing the total cost of the buy-out program (excluding the earlier fund of 455 million) to 1.0 billion ($1.2 billion). Earlier in 2019 the Dutch administrative high-court (Raad van State) ruled that a government licencing system for nitrogen-emitting activities (from farming to road construction) was in breach of EU-rules. Aerial view of the Netherlands (Skitterphoto) One in three Dutch farms may need to close. A second recommendation by the Remkes commission is to clean up out of date and polluting farms, and generally shut down livestock farms located close to Natura 2000 areas. The protests were directed at a sudden government clampdown on farm nitrogen emissions. Truth : Dutch Government Did NOT Close Farms To Fight Climate Change! Farmers from the world's 5th largest exporter of food are demanding that the Hague immediately reverse course, and have blocked the border between Holland and Germany over the rule . New rules cutting nitrogen emissions are expected to boost the number of farming migrants even higher. THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) An independent expert appointed to mediate in the bitter dispute between the Dutch government and the nation's farmers over plans to drastically slash emissions of nitrogen and ammonia presented a report Wednesday that included a suggestion that the government buy out hundreds of the heaviest polluters. shipping to reduce their nitrogen emissions. Thousands of tractor-driving Dutch protesters came out this week to continue demonstrations against the government's radical plan to cut nitrogen emissions by 30% - 70% as part of their 'green' agenda. Farmers are using blockades, convoys, conventional protests, and strikes to protest government plans/proposals to close livestock farms to reduce nitrogen/ammonia. Closing productivity gaps among Dutch dairy farms can boost profit and reduce nitrogen pollution Melina Lamkowsky1, Oene Oenema2, Miranda P M Meuwissen1 and Frederic Ang1 Published 15 November 2021 2021 The Author (s). Earlier this month, the Netherlands Government announced plans to halve the country's nitrogen output by 2030 - with cattle-produced manure and fertiliser in the . The farmers' lobby is furious, calling the plan "unrealistic" and an attack on the countryside. Farmers in the Netherlands reacted angrily to a proposal by lawmakers, including a plan to shut down some cattle farms to tackle harmful nitrogen emissions. These bozos have a few screws missing. If you would like to support me to cover equipment and travel cost and accommodation my link is. Since late June, Dutch farmers have been holding large-scale demonstrations to protest new plans to radically reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions produced in the country . Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. Advertisement Dutch farmers angry. Van den Oever argues that this claim is "completely . It estimates a 30 per cent reduction in the number . This is what they told me: - the Dutch Prime Minister is following the WEF agenda - for more than 75 years it was an . Jun 30. The new nitrogen law. Focusing on nitrogen pollution, we applied the approach to a sample of 341 intensive Dutch dairy farms for the years 2006-2017. If carried out, this draconian plan . The cost of this operation could reach 17 billion euros. As the Dutch government tries to comply with a court order to cut nitrogen pollution, hundreds of angry farmers hit The Hague in protest. Christianne van der Wal, the minister who designed the . Compelled by EU and national court rulings to tighten nitrogen measures, the Dutch government is now planning to halve nitrogen emissions overall by 2030. Farm protests in the Netherlands have divided Prime Minister Mark Rutte's four-party coalition. The new plan follows a Council of State ruling in May 2019 which said the government's strategy for reducing excess nitrogen was in breach of EU directives on protecting vulnerable habitats. Dutch Farmers May Be Forced To Kill Off 30% Of Livestock 'To Save Planet' Egged on by eco-activists, the highest court in the Netherlands ordered the government to comply with an EU law to reduce the inert gas nitrogen in vulnerable areas. This scheme is intended for farms with dairy cattle, pigs, and poultry with a certain nitrogen deposition on an overloaded Natura 2000 area. World Jul 27, 2022 2:42 PM EDT. 8 Closing the mineral cycles at farm level - Good practices to reduce nutrient loss in the North Brabant region (Netherlands) Definition of the measure Manure processing is defined under the Dutch Fertiliser Act as: 1) export of manure or 2) incineration or gasification to the point that the ashes contain a maximum of 10 % organic matter. Nick Ottens. Dutch globalists closing farms, killing livestock to reduce the nitrogen emissions Discussion in 'Current Events Forum' started by Scott Downey, Jul 1, 2022. Their "leaders" have bought into the climate change hysteria during a time of impending global food shortages. The report could reignite [] SS: Compilation of videos from the Dutch farmers convoy and protest that began on June 22, 2022. The Dutch government wants to close 17,000 farms out of 50,000 by 2030 to reduce Nitrogen emissions. Dutch farmers angry over mandatory measures to drastically reduce nitrogen emissions - YouTube The Netherlands government unveiled mandate reductions of up to 70% of nitrogen oxides in. Hundreds of farmers gathered in the Hague on Tuesday accompanied by 2 cows.". Foreign minister and deputy prime minister Wopke Hoekstra, who leads the junior Christian Democratic party, told the AD newspaper last week that the government's ambition to halve nitrogen emissions by 2030 was no longer "sacrosanct". The map below outlines the reduction expectations for each are: (Screenshot . Up to 18,000 infrastructure and construction projects have as a . RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) June 29,. Trending: Biden's approval stuck at 40%, a dark sign for Democrats in midterms. One in three Dutch farms may need to close. Ministers call the proposal an "unavoidable transition" that aims to improve air, land and water quality. Dutch farmers very angry after politicians' decision to closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Focusing on nitrogen pollution, we applied the approach to a sample of 341 intensive Dutch dairy farms for the years 2006-2017. Dutch government proposals for tackling nitrogen emissions indicate a radical cut in livestock - they estimate 11,200 farms will have to close and another 17,600 farmers will have to. RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) July 1, 2022 RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) June 22, 2022 Using a Bennet-Lowe formulation, we measured economic and . To make a significant dent, many experts say the country's farm animal sectorthe densest in the worldmust shrink and recycle more of its nitrogen. In 2015, van Hegen built a barn in the Netherlands to house an extra 140 cows. At the behest of the European Union and Green groups, the Dutch government is imposing a plan to reduce nitrogen oxide and ammonia pollution by 50% by 2030. "I don't think I have a future in farming because we must reduce our cattle by 70 percent. Remkes, a member of the VVD, has dismissed a proposal by D66 to halve the number of pigs and chickens in the Netherlands, saying that it would not sit . Does an attack on food production and centralizing control sound like a global great reset to you ?" Netherlands was the 5th largest food exporter to the world. The Netherlands' Farm Crisis, Explained. According to the European Union, nitrogen pollution will have to be cut . Over 30,000 Dutch farmers went to Stroe to protest against the 30% reduction in the number of animals raised to lower the nitrogen load on land and the exponential increase in the cost of living. The policy in question will require Dutch businesses to reduce nitrogen emissions nationwide by 50% and up to 95% in some provinces by 2030, with cows and fertilizers being significant contributors. Unknown. On 30 June Radio Genova tweeted: "Very angry Dutch farmers block border between Holland and Germany. People are hungry and angry everywhere, corrupt politicians being the only culprits. The Dutch government plans to slash nitrogen emissions in half by 2030. Thank you for donating to The team would like to thank all the generous readers who have made a donation in recent weeks. The Ministries of Finance and Agriculture have advanced plans to buy out and, if necessary, expropriate hundreds of farmers in order to quickly reduce nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands. We have to bring down nitrogen emissions." He set. L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d Well-Known Member. The farmers' lobby is furious, calling the plan "unrealistic" and an attack on the . Thus . Nitrogen pollution of the soil is caused almost completely by farming. Those farms, officials say, must be relocated away from the protected locales. "but unfortunately there's no choice. Cars and industry cause about 35 percent, farms 65 percent. How utterly ridiculous ! "The honest message is that not all farmers can continue their business," a government statement reads. Dutch farmers could be forced to sell land and reduce the amount of animals they keep to help lower ammonia pollution A dairy farm in Barneveld, the Netherlands. Dutch farmers' organisations have vowed to launch more protests in the Netherlands in response to advice from the government's mediator, who has called for the forceable relocation of farming firms and the seizure of up to 600 farms deemed to be the heaviest nitrogen emitters. This could cause traffic problems, travelers' association ANWB warned. The ruling coalition wants to cut emissions of pollutants, predominantly nitrogen oxide and ammonia, by 50 per cent nationwide by 2030. The intent of the program is to significantly reduce nitrogen deposits by 2030 . Here's everything you need to know about the Dutch farmers' protests. After a six months long break, farmers in the Netherlands are again protesting against the government's plans to reduce nitrogen emissions in the country. Cannot connect to Twitter. Farmers in the Netherlands are protesting by blocking highways and supermarkets with farm equipment and even spraying manure over government buildings. The government's climate plan to reduce nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 50% over the next eight years will severely impact the jobs and stability of the farmers. The objective of our study was to develop an approach to quantify the extent to which agricultural productivity growth can increase profit and reduce pollution. "30,000 Dutch farmers have gathered to protest the 2030 nitrogen emissions restrictions which will see many of them shut down. Also included are videos from the general strike in Ecuador that began on June 12, 2022. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd As part of the current government's coalition agreement, the Cabinet has set aside 25bn to deal with the "Dutch nitrogen crisis".The Netherlands is struggling with high emissions of nitrogen from agriculture, transport and industry, which threaten the country's nature and biodiversity. Using a Bennet-Lowe formulation, we measured economic . Talked to a Dutch couple the other day. The country's highest administrative court in May said government rules for granting construction permits and farming activities that emit large amounts of nitrogen breach EU legislation. "We realise that this will have an enormous impact on farmers," Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte said. The Dutch government is. MPs and ministers due to discuss the government's plans to reduce nitrogen-based pollution on Tuesday, amid reports that major cuts in livestock farming close to Natura 2000 areas are on the cards. Dutch farmers have taken to the highways to raise their alarm over EU-driven plans to kill off 30 percent of their livestock. Messages: 1,672 Likes Received: 2,100. Their "leaders" have bought into the climate change hysteria during a time of impending global food shortages. The Dutch government wants to close 17,000 farms out of 50,000 by 2030 to reduce Nitrogen emissions. Netherlands announces 25bn plan to radically reduce livestock numbers Programme to tackle pollution crisis caused by an overload of manure faces fierce opposition from farmers Cows at Maria. THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) Dutch farmers protested government plans to reduce nitrogen emissions by dumping manure and garbage Wednesday on highways and . This is evident from documents viewed by NRC. Using a Bennet-Lowe formulation, we measured economic and nitrogen . The Bloomberg article states "The country's goal to halve nitrogen output by 2030 will force some Dutch farmers out of business according to a government plan published earlier this month. For . Business Europe June 10, 2022 Drastic action is needed in large parts of the Netherlands to meet EU rules on nitrogen-based pollution and that means some farms will have to close, ministers said on Friday. government would invest an additional 5 billion ($5.4 billion) over the next ten years to curb Dutch nitrogen emissions.3 The investments will be focused on nature restoration and encouraging farmers, industry, aviation, and shipping to reduce their emissions. 'After politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution, the angry Dutch farmers have issued an ultimatum threatening to block the country's airports, ports and distribution centers.'. It's the most painful consequence of the government's plan to cut nitrogen emissions in half by 2030. It's the most painful consequence of the government's plan to cut nitrogen emissions in half by 2030. Sustainability, relocation or termination are the options that farmers are faced with, and the government has made available 24.3 billion in subsidies during the transitional period. That would mean culling 30% of its livestock. Farmers angry at the Dutch government's policies to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions protested Tuesday in The Hague, snarling traffic as they drove their tractors toward the center of the city. Police trade unions have sounded the alarm, stating that they will not be able to keep a massive nationwide sit-down strike, which the farmers, in conjunction with several truckers and dock workers, announced for Monday, July 4, under control. By TONY MOBILIFONITIS DUTCH farmers are furious and in a fight for survival as green politicians attempt to shut down 30 percent of the nation's livestock supply allegedly to stop "nitrogen pollution". One farming organization called the plans 'disgusting'. The Dutch government's claim is that nitrogen is harming sensitive environmental areas located close to heavy nitrogen emitters. In the case of the latter option, the Cabinet would consider more forcefully expropriating land, political sources close to the Cabinet confirmed after a . The agricultural sector must reduce . The Dutch government plans to cut greenhouse gas nitrogen by as much as 70 percent in 131 key areas -- many of them close to nature reserves -- to reach climate goals by 2030. AMSTERDAM, June 10 (Reuters) - The Dutch government on Friday laid out targets for reducing nitrogen pollution in some areas by up to 70% by 2030 - the latest attempt to solve a problem that. Last month, farmers asked for nearly 3 . Replying to . The government is preparing to enact short-term measures, including lowering a highway speed limit, which could reduce nitrogen emissions a sliver. On June 10, the Dutch Minister for Nitrogen and Nature Policy, Ms. Christianne van der Wal, laid forth the country's plan to reduce its nitrogen emissions. Jul 3, 2022. "I have lost all trust in the [Dutch] government," said van Hegen, who now runs a farm between Bremen and Hamburg with his wife and 23-year-old son. AMSTERDAM, June 22 (Reuters) - Thousands of farmers were gathering in a village near the centre of the Netherlands on Wednesday to protest a government plan to curb nitrogen pollution, many. Jul 9, 2022 #21. 2. The plan calls upon each Dutch Province to implement emission reduction measures to reduce nitrogen emissions between 12 and 70 percent, depending on the area. #1. The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food . Harsh protests in many Dutch cities after politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30% - 70% to comply with EU regulations on nitrogen pollution" and attached the video below. In total, levels must be slashed by 70% in 131 key areas, nature minister Christianne van der Wal and farm minister Henk Staghouwer said. @marcfriedrich7. They warn that farmers will have to adapt or face the prospect of shuttering their businesses. Dutch farmers drove their tractors in slow-moving convoys to a massive demonstration Wednesday to protest their treatment by the government as it seeks to rein in carbon and nitrogen emissions. Truth : Dutch Government Did NOT Close Farms To Fight Climate Change! Over 40,000 farmers have gathered to protest the new regulations, taking to the highways and cities on their tractors. The. The country's goal to halve nitrogen output by. The objective of our study was to develop an approach to quantify the extent to which agricultural productivity growth can increase profit and reduce pollution. The law has 3 main targets: 40 % of the nitrogen . Farmers protested and rioted in Holland this past week as the government has declared war on livestock farming, setting a goal of reducing nitrogen emissions by 50 percent by 2030, drastically reducing herds, forcing many farmers out of business and cutting back on meat, pork, poultry and dairy food for human consumption.